Successful and competent negotiation
Negotiating successfully and competently is an important part of our work at project level. There are many and diverse situations in which ClinTriCare Project Leaders need their negotiation skills, goal-oriented argumentation and persuasiveness. In order to enhance his knowledge and competence in negotiation, one of our project leaders attended the training seminar “Successful and Professional […]
Impressive range of services
ClinTriCare presented itself with a booth and competent staff at the autumn conference of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK) in Düsseldorf from 09 to 10 October 2014. The academic program was dedicated to the exchange of the latest scientific findings. In addition, interesting technical discussions took place with physicians and representatives of the pharmaceutical […]
Successful business year
With great pleasure, ClinTriCare looks back on another successful business year. Challenging goals can only be achieved through motivated and committed employees. Flexibility, quality and a prompt professional support within a very short time window distinguish the company. I am very proud of this. On behalf of all employees and consultants, I would also like […]
Conference with specialist know-how
One of ClinTriCare’s Project Leaders took part in the “50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes” from 15 to 18 September 2014. With approximately 18,000 attendees from more than 120 countries, this event was one of the largest and most important conferences for sharing the latest scientific findings related to […]
Continuing education in clinical trial monitoring
The requirements in the field of clinical trial monitoring have increased. In addition to a sound knowledge of the German Medicines Act (AMG), the German Regulation on Good Clinical Practice (GCP-V) and EU legislation, continuous training and special knowledge in handling the electronic systems used are also required. In order to deepen his knowledge in […]
South Africa – Opportunities and challenges
Our company has successfully established its first business relationships in Southern Africa. New developments in the field of biotechnology require professional project management and prioritization of project tasks within tight timeframes in order to be able to be successful. Our management and employees see this initiative as an opportunity and a challenge to further position […]
Making the difference
ClinTriCare made the difference. At this year’s annual congress of the German Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine (DGPharMed), which was held alongside the ICPM Congress in Berlin, our company used presented itself with an unusual idea: Prospective clients, business partners, representatives of service companies and visitors who liked our exhibition stand had the chance to demonstrate […]
New ways in continuing education
Together with AH Akademie für Fortbildung Heidelberg GmbH and the Triologie corporate group, ClinTriCare has developed an adaptive seminar on the topic of “Successful Project Management in Clinical Development”. The course is aimed at project managers, clinical research associates (CRAs) and project coordinators and will make them proficient in controlling and monitoring clinical development projects. […]
BVMA Symposium – Not a matter of choice
New regulations and current developments in the field of drug research will be communicated at this year’s symposium of the German Federal Association of Contract Research Organizations (BVMA). On 22 November 2013, the BVMA Symposium will be held in Munich for the 21st time. The event, which is highly regarded by experts, has the motto […]
Investigator-Initiated Trials
Investigator-Initiated Trials (IITs), often referred to as non-commercial clinical trials, predominantly address questions that have arisen from medical treatment practice. IITs, like pharma-sponsored (commercial) clinical trials, fall under the definitions and regulations of the German Medicines Act (AMG), the German Regulation on Good Clinical Practice (GCP-V) and EU legislation. In order to deepen her knowledge […]