Continuing education builds expertise

That is the motivation for our Project Leader’s participation in the 15th Central European Seminar “Methodology of Clinical Research in Oncology”, which will be held in Vienna from 22 to 24 November 2012. Under the auspices of the German-speaking European School of Oncology (DESO), the association “Applied Cancer Research – Institution for Translational Research Vienna” […]

Project management for clinical trials. A basic course

ClinTriCare GmbH & Co. KG sends one of its Project Leaders as a speaker to the “Akademie Heidelberg”. Our employee will provide participants of the course “Project Management in Clinical Trials” with basic knowledge and fundamentals in the field of project management. The course is aimed at all those who wish to work as project […]

ClinTriCare – Clinical Trial … we care!

The idea of “care” guides us in everything we do for our clients. But that’s not all: Potential clients can also feel welcome and in good hands. This was clearly shown by the ClinTriCare team at our company’s booth at the 28th annual conference of the German Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine (DGPharMed) in Cologne on […]

ClinTriCare attends EASD congress

A ClinTriCare Senior Project Leader was one of approximately 20,000 attendees at this year’s congress of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), which saw its 51st edition in Stockholm. By attending top-class lectures in the field of diabetes with a strong practical focus and expert discussions, our employee was able to further […]

ClinTriCare is going places…

It is with great pleasure that I can announce today that ClinTriCare is going new places. Due to the dynamics of the drug development market, it is important not only to expand the range of services and to be flexible in adapting to changing circumstances, but also to focus on the geographical coverage of a […]